It started off with a really sad and disappointing scenario- a girl named Tanyana who was highly skilled with her work with pions had just lost all of her identity. She lost her friends, her status, and her money. Truly you can’t fall any more than that! What more she’s been given a job that is considered the cities lowest of lowest careers. Being a debris collector really shook her up. It’s like she woke up into her worst night mare. She gets suited into a silver “jewelry” also known as the suit. She ends up with life time scars, which were caused by her accident of falling from a statue palm 800 feet in the air. We follow her a bit more into the book and… oh my’ the book is also a mini-romance. She falls in love with Devich the technician who suited her suit; the man shows great love to her till almost the very end. Throughout the book all the characters have been telling her that all these misfortunes are all about her very bad luck. This as far as I can tell is the plain old truth. When she became a debris collector she carried the highly skilled part of her old life, she became a very highly skilled debris collector. Tanyana was determined to get a 2nd chance at a tribunal during the story. It was that sole reason alone possibly that kept her running. The book always referenced the beginning of the story as her past life and the moment she became a debris collector as her current life. The book also clearly described her current life as poverty stricken and her past life as luxurious and wealthy.
The story was some what slow paced the events were some-what spaced out. The book slowly rose to the climax but there after it took a faster pace down-hill. I enjoyed the background of story very much though. It almost seemed like the renaissance period. I recommend the book to someone of 13 years old and up.
The book left some empty holes though. Having a 2nd book in-tow would seem reasonable. The book is absolutely fabulous for an author’s first novel. You have to congratulate her for that. I would rate this book as a 7/10. I hope to see a sequel.
Debris review score :
Characterization............. 7 /10
World building............... 9 / 10
Magic system................. 10 / 10
Story.............................. 6 / 10
Writing........................... 8.5 / 10

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